The Man Who Wasn't All There by David Handler

The Man Who Wasn't All There by David Handler

Author:David Handler [David Handler]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Severn House Publishers
Published: 2020-12-16T22:00:00+00:00


For dinner we had Annabeth’s chicken noodle soup, which I must admit was the best I’ve ever eaten. The chicken tasted like actual chicken. The vegetables were fresh, noodles firm. Merilee agreed, although she was just a bit more restrained in her enthusiasm, I couldn’t help notice. We ate it at the kitchen table with Pilot crackers, a green salad and a bottle of Chianti. I was allowed only one small glass. Merilee was very insistent about that. She also sent me straight to bed while she did the dishes, fed Lulu and closed up the house for the night.

It was nice and warm in the old farmhouse with the storm windows back up. When they left for the day the Hardy Boys promised they’d come back tomorrow to check the new glazing compound they’d applied and put a coat of primer on it. Tony told me that back when they’d first started out doing handyman jobs, glazing compound took two whole weeks to cure before it was dry enough to prime. Now they made this new-fangled stuff that actually cured overnight. I’d never heard anyone talk so excitedly about glazing compound before.

I definitely needed to get back to the city.

I was fast asleep by the time Merilee joined me. I don’t even remember her coming to bed. What I do remember is that some time during the night I became aware that she’d snuggled close to me in the darkness, thrown her bare leg over mine and was stroking my face gently. I stroked hers, put my arms around her and held her close, never wanting to let her go. Not ever. Then her mouth found mine and we lay there kissing and kissing until she reached down in search of what had started growing down there, helped it to grow a good deal larger with some deft, artful strokes and slid me deep inside of her.


We didn’t so much as move a muscle for a good, long while. Just savored the bliss of the moment. When we finally did move we took our time, and if arriving at our destination had ever been any sweeter I sure couldn’t recall it. I was still inside of her when her breathing got deeper and slower and she drifted off to sleep, purring softly like a big cat. I was awake a few moments longer in a state of profound contentment before I dropped off, too.

I was so sound asleep the next morning that I don’t remember Merilee getting up to feed Lulu and put the coffee on. It was the delicious smell of the coffee that woke me. I was still right where she’d left me when she came in carrying a tray laden with two glasses of orange juice, two huge, steaming mugs of rich, strong cappuccino and toasted English muffins with blackberry jam. She was wearing her silk target dart dressing gown, the one that used to be mine until she stole it because it looked better on her than it did on me.


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